Azure Automation Credentials are a powerfull and secure way to store credentials in your Automation Account. The credentials can then be access from multiple Runbooks and centrally managed using Automation App and/or the Azure Portal

Create a new Credential

You have two options for creating a new Credential using Runbook Manager.

Click on Dashboard

From the main menu of Runbook Manager navigate to Credentials and click on Create new.

Click on Dashboard

Alternatively you can obtain the same by click on Credentials if you have an open Runbook and then click on Create new.

Click on Dashboard

In either case a modal will appear in which you can fill in the information around your credential.

Accessing a Credential

Accessing a Credential in a Runbook is very useful. The easiest way to do so is by using the menu to the left.

Click on Dashboard

  1. Click on the credential that you would to get and click on Get-AutomationPSCredential. This will copy a snippet to your clipboard.
  2. Write a credential name and an equal sign, eg. “$cred = “.
  3. Paste in the snippet from your clipboard.

Updating a Credential

You can edit the value of the credential from the Runbook Manager.

Click on Dashboard

Click on the pencil next to the credential you wish to edit.

Click on Dashboard

Update the value and click on Update.

Delete a Credential

It is possible to delete a credential that you no longer need.

Click on Dashboard

Click on the pencil icon next to the credential you wish to delete.

Click on Dashboard

Click the Delete button.